Test all your webservices in easy and fast way.
> jQuery + bootstrap = webservicesJS
Project on GitHub : https://github.com/funkymed/webservicesjs
You'll need to have jQuery (http://jquery.com) and Bootstrap (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap).
Just add to your html page
<script type="text/javascript" src="webservicesjs/js/webservices.min.js"> </script>
And then create a JSON's object like this
var myforms = [ { action:'http://www.urlwebservices.com/yourwebservices.php', method:'GET', title:'test', inputs:[ {label:'field1',name:'name1',defaultvalue:'value1',type:'text'} ] } ]; $(myforms).webservices();
If need to to access other domain, add a proxyPath, take a look at proxy.php
var options = {proxyPath:'proxy.php'}; $(myforms).webservices(options);
Finally, if you want to change the loader, do this :
var options = {loaderGif:'ajax-loader.gif'}; $(myforms).webservices(options);